


The Official Daniel Tiger Cookbook: Cookbook Samples

Daniel Tiger has learned the value of trying new foods, and now you can too with this guide! We’ve pulled out some of our favorite recipes from the Official Daniel Tiger Cookbook for you to make and taste for yourself! And for more tiger-tastic recipes from Daniel Tiger and friends, check out the Official Daniel Tiger Cookbook!

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You Can Live on the Bright Side: Optimistic Activities

These fun activities have been selected from Lucy Bell’s You Can Live on the Bright Side: The Kids’ Guide to Optimism. They can help you slow down for a moment, be more reflective, relax, and even find time to do the things you love!

And for other useful resources from Bright sparks to organizations and where to go for help to useful apps or websites, check out the last pages!

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Behind the Scenes with Burt: Paper Dolls

Enjoy coloring your favorite characters from Pucky, Prince of Bacon!

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Cat Ninja – Boredom Buster Activities

Go on a Cat Ninja–themed adventure with crafts, games, and activities based on your favorite feline superhero! These three free printable activities from Epic empower kids to build, explore, and learn at home. With fun crafts, STEM learning opportunities, and hilarious gags from the Cat Ninja crew, you’ll be busting boredom in style! For the full activity book, check out Epic, the world’s leading digital library for kids.

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Unicorn Island: Beyond the Portal – Boredom Buster Activities

Explore these activities and create something magical, as Foggy Harbor needs your help!

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Antoine’s Tale: Celebrations & Games Fit For A Canine

Antoine is one lucky dog who has a lot to celebrate! Celebrate with him through a set of fun games and celebratory activities!

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Phoebe and Her Unicorn: A Unicorn of a Friend Celebration

Phoebe and Marigold celebrate their 10th anniversary and you can too! Grab one of your besties for a friendship art project making mini unicorns for each other. They’re small enough to take anywhere as a reminder of your one-of-a-kind, unicorn-like friend.

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Candy Experiments: At-Home Experiments

Stack up the Mentos and wait for a cool explosion! Save that cup of sugar to make something very cool! From seeing a soda erupt to making some rock candy, there’s plenty to do with these experiments from Candy Experiments. Invite your friends over for this master class of fun!

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Are We Lost Yet?: Bubble Bonanza

Okey doke! Let’s have some fun with dish soap and water. These two simple items create a fun-filled day full of bubbles and giggles. Get poppin’ with your own bubble bonanza just like Wallace and his friends.

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Creature Campers: Happy Trails!

Snacks make everything better! Create your own trail mix with a mixture of fruits, peanuts, or even sweets! Once you’ve bagged up your mix, you’ll be fully fueled for your canoeing expedition or a trek through the neighborhood.

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