The Girl’s Guide to Building a Fort
Age Range: All ages
Pages: 224
Type: Activity Book
Publication Date: May 4, 2021
ISBN: 9781524861179
An entertaining guide for girls on how to make the world into their workshop—with screen-free, hands-on activities for independent exploration, making, building, and play.
The Girl’s Guide to Building a Fort shows girls and their grown-ups how to knock down the four walls holding them in and transform each day into a canvas for play and adventure. This illustrated, information-packed guide is for Hands-On Girls, girls who want to fix things, make things, and learn more about the world around them.
The book contains two sticker pages and dozens of activities, projects, and games—many of which can be done in 30 minutes or less with materials you already have in and around your home—and fun and interesting information on everything from how to spot constellations and change a bike tire to how to make your own jerky and what to do if you get lost in the woods. It’s the must-have book for anyone, big or little, who’s ready to learn new skills, get a little dirty, and reconnect with the whimsical, gutsy girl in each of us.
About the Author
Jenny Fieri is a writer and hands-on girl. She and her eleven-year-old daughter, Claire, can usually be found elbow-deep in their garden, putting on a play starring the turtle or snapping their goggles in place to blow up another volcano.
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